I have received my doses of vaccine. Maybe the rumours are true, am slowly turning into a zombie due to the high concentration of sluggishness rooted in this black soul. Or maybe am being tracked. Issokay though. World is cruel anyway.Life has been oddly peace. Of course theres a teeny bit chaos here and there but it is...
heyremember when we thought that 2021 is going to be better?surprise surprise MCO 2.0Its new year and i havent written since then just because i dont feel the urge to write. Dalam bahasa kasornya Lisa maleh.Anyways, outta of blue I want to write again if its just a useless rant that is going spiraling into some gibberish trash...
at this moment, i am dreading about lots of things~my job~my love life~my carand myselfcan i just like take five from life?I am tired ...
An optimist or just loser? Haa have you heard of "half empty glass or half full glass" yada yada stuffs. So for me it depends on the situation. If you fill the glass full and fricking drink half of it then you will get "half empty glass" But.... If you fill in bit by bit to the glass...
Hey guys...Kawalan Pergerakan due to Covid-19Now that is one hell of a news. I have been taking this covid-19 too lightly before this. Of course due to lack of awareness and laziness as I was thinking that it is not that big of a deal as it hasnt hit Malaysia that hard before that.Little did we know, the second...
Hey guys,It is March and we are getting closer to our own future 😭🖐️The question is, are we even ready yet?It has been one hell of a year for me. And absolutely one hell of a year for all of us due to the Covid-19thingy. Stay safe everyone, keep hydrated and take care of your hygiene!Anyways...the school holiday has...
Be real. Be kind. Most important thing is, Be dignified. ...
I have always love the rain. The way tiny drops hit my nose, the way it just find a place on my palms, the way it caresses my cheeks, the way it falls and absorbs to the ground or even unites with the lines of river and the way it sticks to the flowers and leaves. I really...
Happy 2020 I have been planning to make a comeback on 2020 I think it works. Anyways I really have high hopes for this year. To be more healthier, To focus more on my family, To build my own little family if Allah let me to. To build skills on some things. I am not sure whether I...
This year is about to end.I have always wanted 2019 to end fast and here I am feeling so grateful that time feels like it is fast.2019 has been a vey different year, where the first 6 months of 2019 were a bless, and the rest of the months are a curse. It is like I have been...
I cant help but think that nosey people really lack of something called love and attention as they like to stick their nose at unnecessary things and getting busy talking about other people's lifes. Anyways this one shot of a year is about to end, lets not be dumb in 2020 and lets be people with good common...