privilege on eating a ton and gaining 0kgs.

March 16, 2020

Hey guys,

It is March and we are getting closer to our own future 😭🖐️

The question is, are we even ready yet?

It has been one hell of a year for me. 

And absolutely one hell of a year for all of us due to the Covid-19thingy. Stay safe everyone, keep hydrated and take care of your hygiene!

Anyways...the school holiday has started this week and theres so many majlis that need to be go to etc etc. 

And if you are on diet, then you must be feeling like total failure having to drool over gulai ayam and daging, those kerabu kelapa thingy and also jeruk buah stuffs and air sirap 😂 and at the end of the day you just have to succumb and eat. So I ate those delicious calories up. 

In my own majlis soon im so gonna serve ikan tongkol singgang and sup sayur along with side dishes like watermelon, sambal belacan and kerabu pucuk paku BECAUSE THESE ARE SO GOOD. MAKANAN KAMPUNG IS THE ONLY WAY BIT** (father doesnt allow me to actively curse) 

So who knows ways to eat but gain 0kg and please stop telling me to go for a jog. I have no running shoes. 


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